quantitative economics
science that jumps to measurement too soon is as unsound as science that ignore measurement too long. /John Rodgers/
In a nutshell
What is QE? Why QE
Brand new BSc Quantitative Economics, the very first rigorous economics degree in the country to start in 2018
Developed drawing heavily from my experience at the University of Cambridge
Extremely selective, with a minimum entry bar almost double compared to any other Bacherlor's programme in the country, with mandatory entry interviews
Small intake of students, personal tutors and personal attention
The first and only three-year English-taught bachelor programme in Economics in the country
Prepares for the most demanding Master programmes world-wide
Combines open-access economics curriculum of the CORE Project with methods from mathematics, statistics, econometrics, and data science
Only research-active lecturers, trained at the world's leading universities with no equivalence in the country and in the region
Global Innovations to Lithuania Nomination by the Global Lithuanian Leaders
Rector's Annual Award for the Best New Study Program
More info
What Media Says?
Buvo įvertinti už naujos kartos bakalauro programą: įvyko lūžis sistemoje, LRT.LT (in Lithuanian)
Lithuania’s finance elite to be nurtured by applying practices from the world’s leading universities, Bank of Lithuania (also Vilnius university)
Mokslininkai iš Vakarų grįžo į Lietuvą – kuria svarbų proveržį, DELFI (in Lithuanian)
Lietuvos finansų elitą rengs pagal geriausių pasaulio universitetų pavyzdį, Lietuvos bankas (in Lithuanian)
Lietuvos finansų elitą rengs Vilniaus universitetas, Vilniaus universitetas (in Lithuanian)
Lietuvos bankas su Vilniaus universitetu sukūrė naujovišką ekonomikos bakalauro programą, Vakarų ekspresas (in Lithuanian)