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Povilas Lastauskas, PhD (Trinity College & Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge)   

Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund

Bye-Fellow in Economics, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

Associate Editor at Open Economies Review                                  


(April 2024)


International Monetary Fund 

Washington, DC 20431, USA

PLastauskas2 [at] 

P.Lastauskas [at]


This is my personal website. The views expressed here are those of my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the International Monetary Fund. 

News Spotlight

NEW publications

Global Impacts of US Monetary Policy Uncertainty Shocks (ECB version), featured in LSE Business Review, LSE USCentre, Centralbanking, published in the Journal of International Economics

How Do Firms Adjust When Trade Stops?, Bank of Lithuania and CGR working paper, featured in VoxEU/CEPR How Firms Adjust to Economic Sanctions, published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

The Role of Housing Market and Credit on Household Consumption Dynamics: Evidence from the OECD Countries, accepted at the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

NEW papers

What Explains Excess Trade Persistence?, featured in VoXEU, LSE's Research for the World, IMF Research Perspectives; a fully revised version (Trade Persistence Heterogeneity) to appear soon

Trade Shocks and the Transitional Dynamics of Markups, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics #2431

Bio in Brief

2024-Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund and Bye-Fellow, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

2023-2024 Director of Studies in Economics and Bye-Fellow, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

2022-2024 Assistant Professor in Applied Macroeconomic Analysis and Co-Director (from 2023), Centre for Globalisation Research, Queen Mary University of London

2023 September, Visiting scholar at the Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT) 

2018 Nomination for the Global Innovations for Lithuania, Global Lithuanian Leaders, and Vilnius University's Rector's Prize for the best studies programme and internationalisation of the study process

2017-2022 Director, Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research, Bank of Lithuania; Founding Head of Quantitative Economics Programme, Vilnius University; Founding Board Member of the Baltic Economic Association

2016-2017 Principal Research Economist, Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research, Bank of Lithuania

2013-2016 Director of Studies in Economics, Fellow and Lecturer, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge; Bye-Fellow in Economics, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge

I hold postgraduate degrees (MPhil and PhD) from  Trinity College, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, an advanced studies diploma from Kiel Institute for the World Economy, and a bachelor's degree from Vilnius University.

I serve as Senior Economist at the International Monetary Fund, focusing on macroeconomic research for development with an emphasis on climate policies (explore more about the IMF-FCDO collaboration here). From 2023, I was Director of Studies in Economics at  Homerton College, University of Cambridge, UK. From October 2022 until February 2024, I was an Assistant Professor in Applied Macroeconomic Analysis at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK (a permanent position with probation approved in August 2023). During my brief time at QMUL, I was elected into dissertation directorship and CGR co-directorship. From 2013 until 2016, I was the director of studies and fellow in economics at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, and a bye-fellow at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge. From 2017 until 2022, I was the director of the Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research (CEFER) at the Bank of Lithuania. The Center was externally evaluated by Dr Hartmann and Professors Adam and Cacciatore, acknowledging that "the Center has established itself as the leading and most prominent research hub in the Baltic states. It has also received recognition in the international research community, well beyond the Baltic states." Its achievements were recently corroborated in a research paper.

I initiated, co-founded and acted as a founding head (2018-2022) of a modern, three-year English-taught Bachelor's program in Quantitative Economics in Lithuania, blending economics, data science, econometrics, and quantitative finance. I also initiated an overhaul of the PhD studies and advocated for the National PhD in Economics initiative. I contributed to the foundation of the Baltic Economic Association, served as its President in 2021-2022, and held the Editor's position for the Association's academic journal, Baltic Journal of Economics (2018-2024). 

On the policy work front, I served on the ECB’s monetary policy review workstream and coordinated the report on globalisation. My research was used in ECB's final product (see Box 3 Globalisation and uncertainty). I contributed as an expert to the OECD advice for the government (see Roadmap for the Implementation of the Recommendations of the OECD Report and OECD Independent Fiscal Institutions Review). I had the pleasure of delivering a lecture at the prestigious Lámfalussy Lectures Conference in 2019, summarised in the Logbook The Decade of Catching-up in the EU and Asia.

I have secured substantial research grants: I was PI for the Baltic Research Programme grant on "Micro-level responses to socio-economic challenges in the face of global uncertainties" (Eur 0.8M), funded by the European Economic Area EFTA states. I also was a PI for the inter-governmental grant titled "Goods and labour market reforms and economic activity within the EU " (Eur 0.2M) and the main investigator of the European Social Fund grant titled "Reassessment of the OCA Theory in the persistently heterogeneous EU," informally known as Euro4Europe (Eur 0.6M); see final conference details

My research was featured in major media outlets and blogs (e.g., VoxEU, LSE Business Review,, El Pais, LSE's Research for the World, and IMF Research Perspectives) and published in the Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking among others. My teaching portfolio includes undergraduate and postgraduate courses on mathematics, statistics, econometrics, international trade, MNEs and global business, WTO, international finance, and the global economy.  

© 2024 Povilas Lastauskas